Pumpkin Carving

It is that time of year! This year was the easiest yet for carving. Xander wanted to do his BY HIMSELF (which lasted about 15 mins), and Ethan was a big help this year too.

We took to the net to find the faces we wanted:- printed them, cut them out, and stencilled them on. I cut off the tops and the boys cleaned them out alone, mostly:) Then we used a kit I bought from the dollar store to score the pumpkins and carve them.

Maybe everyone knows about these things, but growing up in Barbados we never carved pumpkins (we don’t get these kind of pumpkins there, and we don’t celebrate Halloween). So the first few years we did it – I used a serrated knife, which DID NOT work well. This pumpkin carver has serrated edges on both sides and they are not very sharp, so that the kids can do the carving themselves – brilliant!

As always, it was a lot of fun carving pumpkins with the boys, and they turned out pretty good too:)

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