Another Perfect Day

I’m wondering if people are going to tire of all of the Barbados posts, if so, you may want to check back in a couple weeks – because these days are definitely worth posting about! We spent another lovely day with my whole family at the Barbados Yacht Club today.

I grew up on a beach:- running in and out of the water, climbing trees, digging holes and just exploring. Living in Canada, which I love, is VERY different. There are rules everywhere, for everything. There is no space for my kids to just be – like there is in Barbados. So I get a huge kick out of seeing them do all of the things that remind me of my childhood.

They have both grown up so much since the last time we were here (which was only 6 months ago). This trip they are going out into the sea by themselves and spending hours looking for crabs and fish. I love it!

Unfortunately, this trip isn’t just about pleasure for me. The company that I work part-time for is located in Barbados, and I have to go up the office tomorrow because we are changing over the systems that I use to do my job. It’s been so long since I’ve worked from an actual office – it should be interesting!

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