Project 52 {hunger}

I’m assuming that this weeks prompt is because the movie ‘The Hunger Games’ comes out today? My husband and I listened to the audio book over the Christmas break while we were driving all over Canada. It was an interesting series. We both liked it, but I think he liked it even more than I did.

Alex liked it so much, in fact, that he is taking his lunch break from work today and we are going to watch the movie together. I’m excited!

Anyway, back to the picture… I saw this prompt and thought immediately of a picture I took of my youngest about a month ago when we went to an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet restaurant.

iPhone offload July 2013 053

He was clearly very Hungry! And tried to get all of the food on his plate in his mouth at once:)

But since this is a phone picture and is an old picture, I decided to go out and look for something else I could take a pretty picture of for this week.

We have had FANTASTIC weather recently! I have been wearing sun-dresses in Canada in MARCH – crazy! So we went out for a nice walk and found these things that look like berries, although I don’t think they are. But what do I know? In Barbados we grow coconuts, bananas and mangos – no berries. I’m just going to go ahead and pretend they are berries for the purpose of this post!


Can’t wait to see everyone else’s interpretations! I’m linking up with:

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Have a great weekend!

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