My Heroes


Xander has started having something very strange happen to his eyes. I noticed a few days ago, that every couple of minutes they are rolling back in his head…

I took him to a local walk in clinic and the Dr told me that he thinks that Xander is either having mini seizures, or has developed a tic disorder, and that he would try to get us in to see a paediatric Neurologist as soon as possible. Well after a particularly bad few episodes – I spoke to the Dr and we decided that we didn’t want to wait, so Ethan, Xander and I packed up and headed into SickKids.

The neurologist on call said the same thing, it’s either seizures or a tic disorder. They will need to do an EEG to determine which. They were unable to perform the EEG tonight, so they have scheduled one for Friday, followed by an appointment with Neurology.


I am so proud of both of my boys tonight!!! We have been here for almost 10 hours. Xander has been poked and prodded the whole time, and Ethan has not left his side! He had the option of going to his Dad’s but refused to leave his brother.  This is my hope for us, that even though our family no longer looks the same, that my boys will continue to understand the importance of family and what it means to be a good one.  I am trying my best to teach them this, despite the example that they are being shown. Apparently, so far so good!!!

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