Moving Pictures {boys colouring the driveway}

I am so sorry to be linking up so late this week!! Yesterday I was busy all day running errands and taking my drivers test.

Yes – you heard correctly. At 35 years old – I took my driver’s test today for the 4th time!

I got my license in Barbados when I was 16. Then, to get a US driver’s license in the states while I was at University, I had to take another test there. Fast forward 15 years and we moved to Canada.

Canada has what’s called a ‘graduated’ licensing program. There are 3 phases to this license. It is done mainly to keep a closer eyes on teens getting their license. If you move here from another country and have had your license for a significant number of time – you can automatically skip the first 2 phases and get the last license.

So I took the drivers test when we first moved here, and after the test was done – I realised that I had taken the WRONG test. So I got the 2nd phase license. The only real difference with this license is that you are not allowed to have ANY alcohol in your system when driving. I’m not much of a drinker (at this stage of my life:) so this wasn’t a big deal to me.

Taking tests of any kind makes me SOOOO nervous for some reason!! So I stayed with the license I had. But that is about to expire and you are not allowed to renew that one. You have to take and pass the next road test to get your full license. So I did that yesterday – and passed!! I am unreasonably excited about this:)

Anyway – onto the moving picture… it was lovely outside today and the boys spent the afternoon drawing with chalk on the driveway. I didn’t use a tripod, again – but I really need to do that!! I think it will make a big difference.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else did! I’m linking up with Georgia, see the link below!

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