It’s a Rocket

Last month at Book Club we will celebrated one of my good friend’s 40th birthday. The other girls thought it would be funny if I made her a phallic birthday cake, so I did.

I took lots of pictures of this cake, because it was a work of art:) I thought that they would stay hidden on my computer for years & years & years. Well my husband put this awesome app on my computer, that when it goes into sleep mode, instead of going dark the screen pulls pictures out of my files to flash on the screen like a slide show.

We were all eating dinner together, and had been speaking to my parents on Skype during dinner. When we were done talking to them, we just left the laptop on the table and continued our dinner.

After a few minutes this app starts working and we are watching a slide show… up pops the penis cake!

I am stunned and don’t know what to do – so I just throw my hands infront of the screen to try to hide the cake.

Xander looks at me all puzzled and says, “Mom – why are you hiding that?” Me: “Because it is an adult thing” Xan: “What do you mean adult? I know what that is!” Me: “Well don’t say it out loud” Xan: “Why not?” Me: “Because no one else knows what it is.” Xan: “Dad doesn’t know what that is???” Me: “Xander, come and whisper to Mom what you think that is.”

He walks over to me, all serious and whispers “It’s a Rocket.”

Me: “Yep, it’s a rocket:)”

Crisis Averted!

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