It’s Not About the Winning

Ethan has recently discovered the Wii, more specifically – he has discovered Mario Kart on the Wii. Being that I have been married to his father for almost 10 years, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me that Ethan would rather play that game than do anything else – but it did!

Ethan has been playing so much that he has become really good at it, so good that he can actually beat his Dad at it (and Alex is the God of all things video game related). He has unlocked levels so that he now uses a picture of himself to do all the races.

While the 3 boys have all enjoyed playing this game – I had not yet given it a try. So this morning Ethan talked me into playing 2 player with him. He came 3rd and I came DEAD last. I could hardly stay on the track – I was abysmal!

So my sweet son says to me “Don’t worry Mom, it’s not about the winning – as long as you have fun!”:)

I should add though, that after saying that, he promptly took away my remote and didn’t want me to play with him again!

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