Potty Humour

I put my youngest son, Ethan (who is 2 & 1/2), on the toilet this morning… when he tried to pee, he accidentally farted and then said ‘Wow, my bum bum is talking to me’! How funny is that?????

I have to hold onto these little moments of humour, because this potty training journey has actually been more frustrating than comical.

I have been trying diligently (albeit unsuccessfully) to get Ethan potty trained for about 4 months now. I even went as far as buying him a doll that drinks and pees – as per Dr. Phil’s instructions. The idea being that if I let him potty train the doll, then the process would click with him as well.

I let Ethan name her, and my very creative child named her ‘Present’, but when he says her name it sounds more like ‘Precent’. {side note: The only drink/pee doll I could find for my little BOY, was a little girl doll all dressed in pink, with bows in her hair (that did not come off), lipstick on her lips and blush on her cheeks. So when I came home with this doll, my husband says ‘Is this going to teach him how to pee, or how to be a girl?}

The very first time Ethan put Precent on the potty, he then sat right down and peed on the potty immediately after. I was overjoyed! I thought Dr. Phil really new what he was talking about. But he (Dr. Phil) said that you would have to put the doll on the potty at least 9 times for the child to really get it – which means this was an all day affair. Ethan went to the potty 3 more times that day – I thought he was cured and my job was done! And all of that hard work was clearly exhausting:)


Then the next day came and he wouldn’t go on the potty at all. So I was changing his diaper and was saying to him ‘Ethy – you are a big boy now, you don’t go pee pee in your diaper anymore, you go int the potty’. And he says to me ‘I’m not a big boy, I’m a baby – Precent is a big boy’. There you have it – he will be 23, and I will still be changing his diaper!

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