Brotherly Love:)

Sept 2009 064
It was an absolutely perfect day today (and that hasn’t happened too often this summer) so the boys & I decided to play bingo in the backyard. Once we finished our game, the boys went to play on their swing set – and that is when things became hilarious…

Ethan (my youngest) climbed up to the top of the slide and started yelling ‘Save me! Save me Xander!’. Then my eldest would go up to the top and ‘save’ him – and then they would come down the slide together… and repeat. They seriously did this for about 1/2 hour – it cracked me up. I managed to get it on tape and am hoping that the next time I hear a chorus of ‘Mom, he’s hitting me!’ – I can show them this video and remind them of how much they really love each other!

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