Scavenger Hunt Sunday #5
Another week – another Scavenger Hunt:) I found this weeks prompt H.A.R.D. I don’t know if it’s because I am sick and my brain is just not functioning that well, or what – but all creativity seems to have left me!
Anyway this week’s prompts were as follows:
Crossed A Glimpse Handwritten Bliss Gray
1. Crossed I am a reformed Catholic – meaning I was raised Catholic but haven’t practised much myself in recent years. That being said, as soon as I saw this prompt, I thought of a Crucifix.
2. A Glimpse A glimpse into my son’s mind: Orange + Straw = Juice This one really stumped me. Until my son saw an orange and a straw, and got the bright idea that if he stuck said straw into the orange, he should be able to get juice out. He sucked and sucked until his face was almost blue, but never got any juice.
3. Handwritten This was another tough one, this weeks prompts were hard for me! Have I mentioned that yet? Here is the handwritten note in my Valentines card from my hubby. I thought it was pretty funny:)
4. Bliss There is nothing my youngest loves more than a pyjama day, except for video games. So here is Ethan, playing on his DS in his PJs. This is his Bliss!
5. Gray Yeah – I really phoned it in one this one… I changed an archived picture to black & white – and got a lot of gray! I’m so very creative:)
Can’t wait to see what everyone else did! Maybe it will get my creative juices flowing again!!