I hung our stockings up tonight while the boys were upstairs playing. When they came downstairs Ethan (my 4 year old) says to his older brother, “Oh look Xander, our sockings are up!” To which Xander replies, “They are not SOCKings.”
Ethan now realises that he knows something his brother doesn’t and is excited! “Yes Xander they are. They’re SOCKings… Giant socks that we put up so that Santa has something to put our candy in when he comes. Don’t you remember?”
Xander, “I know what they are Ethan, but they are not called SOCK-ings they are called Stockings.”
Ethan, “No Xander, SOCKings. Just like SOCKS, S-O-C-Kings. Muuuuuum – tell Xander they’re SOCKINGS.”
Meanwhile Alex & I are in the kitchen listening to this whole conversation, just dying:) I had already whispered to Alex that I didn’t have the heart to correct him. So when Ethan said Muuuum, Alex graciously fielded the question for me.
Poor kid – he really thought he was teaching his big brother something.