Making Frosty
I spent the afternoon putting up our Christmas lights outside. It still feels a little early to me, but I think I am the last person on my street to do it! Anyway, while doing that, I decided to copy an idea I saw in BHG magazine – where you turn a white Christmas tree into a snowman. It turned out awesome!
I think this is one of my favourite things I’ve ever made! If you want to make one too, here is how I did it…
I bought a small white Christmas tree and a ball of yarn from Walmart. Then I went over to the Dollar Store and bought some black ball ornaments, craft foam,a hat, scarf and gloves.
When I got home I tied an old white t-shirt around the ball of yarn, cut shapes out of the craft foam for the snowman’s face and created the snowman’s head. Then I placed the head on the tree and decorated to rest of the tree to look like a snowman. My favourite part was – the snowman’s boots:) I LOVE this craft!!