Bond, James Bond
James Bond is usually synonymous with the ultimate in coolness, but in my case – it might become synonymous with Child Protective Services! My husband is a huge HUGE James Bond fan! When I met him, he owned every Bond movie ever made (on VHS back then – we have since upgraded the collection to DVD:). So, knowing this, one year my parents gave him a huge ‘Behind the Scenes of 007’ Book – which he loved. After reading it cover to cover, it has sat in is home office on a shelf for the last couple years, and we’ve given very little thought to it – until now. I had to run out yesterday afternoon and my husband wasn’t quite finished work yet, so the kids went into his office to play while I was gone. When I got home my husband told me that Xander, my 5 year old, found this book and was amazed by the pictures of Shirley Eaton being painted gold.
A little later in the evening I had to run out again, to the bank, and Xander came with me for the drive. We had the funniest conversation! It went something like this: Xander: Mom, I found something in Dad’s office… Me: Oh yeah? Xander: Yeah Mom, he has a book with pictures of naked ladies in it. Me: Really? (because now I have forgotten about the Bond book, and am trying to figure out what the heck he is talking about!) Xander: Yeah – and there is a man painting the naked lady’s body. Me: Oh. (I’m starting to get what he’s talking about) Xander: And mom, he painted her whole body – her bum bum and her boobs too! Me: Yes, Xander, that was pretty cool huh? It was for a movie that they painted her gold, and she has clothes on under the paint – you just can’t tell. **Pause** Oh, and Xander? Xander: Yes? Me: Don’t talk about this at school, okay? (because all I can think is that he goes to school and tells this story and the teacher thinks he’s been looking at some kind of porn:) Xander: Okay mom. Crisis averted…. hopefully!